Pasta frolla:
1 uovo intero + 1 tuorlo
120gr zucchero
100 gr di burro
scorza di 1 limone grattugiata
250 farina
Io faccio tutto nel mixer.
Prima metto le uova con lo zucchero
Aggiungo il burro fuso e la scorza di limone.
Quando e` tutto ben amalgamato aggiungo la farina e faccio pulzare il mixer finche` e` tutta assorbita dall’impasto (ma non lo fare andare troppo a lungo)
Metti l’impasto nel freezer per 15 mins.
Questa la faccio a occhio
3 tuorli d’uovo
3 cucchiai di zucchero (I cucchiai italiani – per capirsi)
1 ½ cucchiai colmi di maizena (cornflour)
½ litro di latte.
Anche questa la faccio a modo mio nel microonde.
Mescolo le uova con lo zucchero, aggiungo il latte e da ultimo la maizena (per facilitare le cose sciolgo la maizena in 1/2 bicchiere di latte preso dalla dose sopra).
Metto nel microonde a 900W per 1 minuto e a 300W per circa 5-7 minuti. Gurda te quando e` addensata. A meta` cottura dagli una girata…
Distendi meta` impasto nella teglia con le mani (io uso una di ceramica da forno – non c’e` nemmeno bisogno di ungerla).
L’impasto viene piu` morbido della pasta frolla convenzionale. Non c’e` bisogno del mattarello.
Sempre con le mani, crea un bordo intorno alla teglia.
Aggiungi la crema (raffreddata o quasi)
Distendi l’altra meta` sul cling film. Disponilo sulla crema – non importa che sia perfetto.
Cospargi tutto di mandorle tritate (ma non troppo finemente)
Cuoci a 160gradi per 30- 35 minuti. Io accendo solo il sotto del forno (ventilato) cosi` che le mandorle non si brucino. Altrimenti copri la torta con la stagnola per 20mins.
Friday, 27 November 2009
Friday, 9 October 2009
Spicy Potato Wedges
Serves 4
4 Big Potatoes or 8-10 New Potatoes
Half a Teaspoon (To Teaspoon and a half depending on how spicy you like it) Each of -
Chilli Powder
Coriander Powder
Cumin Powder
Paprika Powder
Teaspoon – Tablespoon of Turmeric
Pinch of Salt
Pinch of Black Pepper
Blanchethe potatoes for about 5 minutes. Put a baking dish in the preheated oven (220) with some olive oil and the spices. After having fried the spices a little bit, add the potates and bake in the oven for 20 min stirring occasionaly
Serves 4
4 Big Potatoes or 8-10 New Potatoes
Half a Teaspoon (To Teaspoon and a half depending on how spicy you like it) Each of -
Chilli Powder
Coriander Powder
Cumin Powder
Paprika Powder
Teaspoon – Tablespoon of Turmeric
Pinch of Salt
Pinch of Black Pepper
Blanchethe potatoes for about 5 minutes. Put a baking dish in the preheated oven (220) with some olive oil and the spices. After having fried the spices a little bit, add the potates and bake in the oven for 20 min stirring occasionaly
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Oat Coconut Cookies
Flour 100g
sugar 100g
butter 100g
porridge oats 85g
dried grated coconut 85g
golden syrup 1 tbsp
bicarboate 1 tsp
Melt the butter and the golden syrup. Mix all dry ingredients but the bicarbonate. Mix the bicarbonate of soda with 2 tbsp of boiling water.
Add the wet ingredients to the dry ones. Spoon them on to a tray with baking pa
sugar 100g
butter 100g
porridge oats 85g
dried grated coconut 85g
golden syrup 1 tbsp
bicarboate 1 tsp
Melt the butter and the golden syrup. Mix all dry ingredients but the bicarbonate. Mix the bicarbonate of soda with 2 tbsp of boiling water.
Add the wet ingredients to the dry ones. Spoon them on to a tray with baking pa
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
strawberry cake

- 3 cups of chopped fresh strawberries-
1/3 cup of sugar- 1/4 cup of water-
1 1/2 tsp cornstarch
Heat oven to 180 C. Butter a 20cm square baking dish.
Put 2 cups of strawberries, cornstarch, sugar and water into a quart pan. Cook the strawberries over medium heat until they are soften and reduced to a sauce. Stir occasionally. This takes about 20 minutes. Stir in remaining 1 cup of strawberry into the sauce at the end. Let the sauce to cool to room temperature.
To make the cake, you will need:
- 110g all-purpose flour
- 115g of sugar
- 1 3/4 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp salt- 1 large egg
- 130g cup whole milk
- 115 g unsalted butter, melted and cooled slightly-
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
Mix all the ingredients with a food processor.
Pour half of the strawberry sauce into the bottom of the glass dish. Spoon the cake batter on top of the sauce. Pour the remaining strawberry sauce on top of the batter.
Bake in the oven for 30 minutes or until the skewer comes out clean after it is inserted into the cake.
Sunday, 18 January 2009
Coca Cola Cake
2 cups sugar
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 cups small marshmallows
110g butter or margarine
1/2 cup vegetable oil
3 tablespoons cocoa
1 cup Coca-Cola®
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 cup buttermilk
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
110g butter
3 tablespoons cocoa
6 tablespoons Coca-Cola
450g confectioners' sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup chopped pecans
Preheat oven to 180 C . In a bowl, sift sugar and flour. Add marsh- mallows. In
saucepan, mix butter, oil, cocoa, and Coca-Cola. Bring to a boil and pour over dry
ingredients; blend well. Dissolve baking soda in buttermilk just before adding to
batter along with eggs and vanilla extract, mixing well. Pour into a well-greased 9-
by-13-inch pan and bake 35 to 45 minutes. Remove from oven and frost
To make frosting, combine butter, cocoa and Coca-Cola in a saucepan. Bring to a
boil and pour over confectioners' sugar, blending well. Add vanilla extract and
pecans. Spread over hot cake. When cool, cut into squares and serve.
Sunday, 11 January 2009
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